A YEAR IN NUMBERS (AYIN) - A yearlong creative project about numbers, starting 1st November 2020: I make little pieces of art every day for another year - this time it is all about numbers. Why numbers? - First of all: I am traumatized by mathematics in school, I panic when I have to calculate something in front of other people...BUT: I usually start counting for myself, when I become anxious or furious (which I become a lot these days). And somehow I think it is fun to calculate the digit sum of the numbers on license plates and the time display on a digital clock...I also love the aesthetics of numbers: For example, when there is an odd number of flowers in a bouquet, when I draw or make three things of the same kind, when I put things in a specific order, when the clock shows 11:11...
So, let´s see how this upcoming 365 days look like in numbers!
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Hinweis in eigener Sache: Seit 2020 spende ich das meiste meines Honorars für die Zeichnungen an die Zivile Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer.
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